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Marc Mylar & Bar Code Ranch
(Cassette - $6.00)
Marc Mylar & Bar Code Ranch
Saxophonist / keyboardist / vocalist Mylar breaks loose in a band format with this collection of eleven hard hitting pseudo-pop, quasi-rock, and semi-instrumental original songs, plus an inspired version of Tom Lehrer's classic "Be Prepared". Mylar has recorded and performed with artists as diverse as Zoogz Rift, Richie Häss, John Trubee, the Lazy Cowgirls, the Dickies, Hot Damn!, the Grey Spikes, Leaving Trains, the BellRays, and the Mockingbirds. (TCS-111)
RealAudio - requires RealPlayer G2
Gimme A Fix
Everything You Know Is Wrong
That Does Not Compute
Mr. Moto Takes A Vacation
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For each item, add the following amount for shipping and handling:  CDs, LPs, EPs - $3.00; Cassettes and 7” - $2.00.   For international orders, add another $3.00 per item. All prices in US dollars.
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