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20 Turbocharged Bands From L.A. 
(CD - $8.00)
Auto Body Experience
Tired of life in the diamond lane? Well, here's another bumper crop of high-octane, guitar-driven rock 'n' roll. This collection offers over an hour of music from some of the hardest-hitting bands to blow in off the L.A. freeways since Gimme The Keys. Here are 20 reasons to crank up your CD player and shift it into high gear: Popdefect, the Tommyknockers, Backbiter, Chickun Scratch (Jon Wahl of Claw Hammer), the Paper Tulips, the Humpers, Suplex Slam, Shoeface, This Is Edwin, Dizbuster, the Superkools, Ken All Night Rocker, God's Gift To God, the Riot Act, Marc Mylar, the Electric Ferrets, Fearless Leader, the Grey Spikes, and Crawlspace. (TCD-112) Reviews
RealAudio - requires RealPlayer G2
Chickun Scratch - Olfactory Blues/Nose Hair
Suplex Slam - Politics of Wrestling
Popdefect - Bottom of a Hole
Backbiter - It's Untrue
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For each item, add the following amount for shipping and handling:  CDs, LPs, EPs - $3.00; Cassettes and 7” - $2.00.   For international orders, add another $3.00 per item. All prices in US dollars.
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